Friday, August 14, 2009

An Autobiographical Drama

This is a drama that I wrote for English 2250, my creative writing class. I turned it in for part of my final portfolio. Leave any comments, positive and negative, below.

Parking Lot Confession

Stage is blacked out. A series of lights
fade in, mimicking street lamps. A
door is on one end of the stage, with
two sets of two chairs each set out
representing two cars. Two people
enter from the door, Man and Woman
They are dressed for winter. Both are
in their mid-late-twenties.

That was some rehearsal, huh?

I know! I'm beat; those dances are way fun though.

They're fun if you can dance, which I can't.

Oh, please, you know how to dance. Just not very well.


Uh, huh. Still, it's going to be a fun show when it opens.

That's an understatement.

There is a pause in the conversation.

You're not planning on anything for Valentines, are you?

What? No, I don't have any money and you're working that night. Nope, nothing for Valentines.


The two approach one of the sets of
chairs. Man pantomimes opening a
car door. Woman is about to sit down,
but stops.

I got your text from last night. We need to talk.

I hate those words.

I'm serious.

I know.

These last few months have been great. I've had a blast with you, but I don't think we're ever going to be anything other than just friends.

What do you mean?

I mean that every time I think about taking our relationship to something more than what it is, something about it feels wrong to me.

That doesn't make any sense. What's wrong about it?

I don't know, you're a great guy. You're handsome; you're funny; you're silly, but serious when you need to be; you let me be who I want to be; most importantly you love me for who I am, even with the mistakes I've made in my life. You're everything that I'm looking for in a husband. But something just feels wrong. I don't know what it is. Do you understand what I'm saying?

No, no I don't understand. If I'm everything you're looking for, then why are you saying this? Why is it wrong?

I don't know why it's wrong, I just know that it is. Please, try to understand.

No, I can't understand. A little over a week ago, I was talking with my Bishop. He asked me why I was so happy; he said I was almost shining. I told him about you. I said that after all these years of lousy date after lousy date, of meeting girls that wanted nothing to do with me after one date, I thought I had finally met the girl I was going to marry. When I said that I felt a powerful confirmation from the Spirit. I knew that it was true. I know that you've been hurt before, too, and wanted to take things slowly. I wasn't going to say anything about it for a long time. But now you're dropping this on me.

I'm sorry, but I have to tell you the truth.


What you're telling me is that God lied to me. Why would He let me believe that there was such a good chance of us being together, when there isn't?

That's not what I'm saying.

Then why would He tell me one thing and you another? That doesn't make any sense to me.

I don't understand it either, but I know that God doesn't lie.

Man has turned away from Woman.
She walks over to him and grabs his
head so that their eyes meet.


Look at me. I do love you! I've told you things that I've only told a few others in my life. Do you think that I waltz around Provo and tell everyone what my love life has been like? I told you those things because I know that there's something special about you. You're one of the most incredible guys I've ever met. You're going to be an incredible husband and father, but not to me or my children. I love you, but I can't love you in the way that you deserve to be loved.

She slowly pulls him into a hug. After
a few moments, Man puts his arms
around her as well. They stand in
silent embrace as snow begins to fall.
As slowly as Woman pulled Man into
hug, she lets him go.


I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that you're not going to give up on yourself. You're too good of a guy to not be someone's husband. Don't give up just because of me. Can you do that? Promise me.

(quietly) I promise.

Woman pulls him into another hug.

We should go. I've got school in the morning, and you've got work.


You're right.

They separate.

Are you going to be okay?

Yeah, I'll be okay. Don't worry about me.

Man walks Woman to her car and
opens the door for her. She gets in.


I'll see you at rehearsal tomorrow?

I'll be there.

Man closes the door for her and walks
to his own car. After he gets in, he
looks at Woman as she pantomimes
driving away. The lights on her car
fade out. He begins to cry. Fade to

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grey Sun

Grey Sun is the tentative title of the new book I'm working on. Today I sat down and started to think about exactly where I want this to go and how to describe it. After thinking a bit I think I can say that it's a "Seven Samurai" story that has "Fist of the North Star" elements mixed in with it.

If you're not too familiar with the story of "Fist of the North Star" then go ahead and check out the Wikipedia site found here

I'm currently working on the fifth chapter and am liking where it's going. If you want to read it, let me know and I'll email you the first couple of chapters.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I took down the recent postings on the advice of my writing teacher. He said that blogger was a bad place to post things online. It's a very public site and that there was no real way to protect my stuff from being stolen.

I am posting it on because I can make it so only my friends can read it.

Also, someone left a comment the other day and I didn't notice it was there until I had deleted them. Sorry,