Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What's in a Name?

Hi again everyone.

Last week I told you about my need to rework the title. One of the most difficult things for me is coming up with names. For the first year of working on this project, I didn't even have a title for it. I just called it my Steampunk Western Project. No matter what name I tried to call it, they never sat right with me. Then, out of the blue, I came up with the name "The Rise of the Ash Bringer".

At first, I didn't much care for it. It sounded a bit too cliche in my mind. But after about a week or two, I became used to it, so I decided to use it for the title of the first book in the "Unforgiven Sins" series. I was excited to have a name for it, but over time, projects change.

Things in the story had to be removed and planned to be added into other books down the line. After numerous changes, the title that I had worked so hard to discover, didn't work any more. I knew I had to change it. I was disappointed, but a part of me always knew that I had settled what was more of a place holder rather than the actual title of the first book.

This was a crushing set back in my mind. I was already struggling to find time to write now that I had a full time job along with other commitments, now I had to come up with a new title? Part of me just wanted to keep the name the same, but the larger part of me knew I couldn't settle. I had to find the title. The book had changed too much and the focus had become something else entirely, the title just didn't make sense anymore. So, I went to my writing group for help.

My writing group, the Cyber Dragons as we call ourselves, is filled with great minds. We bounce off each other in ways that make us laugh and inspire us to improve our current draft or give us all new ideas entirely. I've have come up with at least 3 ideas for stand alone novels thanks to some of the conversations we've had. If anyone could help me find a title, it was these guys and gals.

After throwing around ideas and themes from Spaghetti Westerns, which "Unforgiven Sins" draws a heavy influence from, I was finally able to settle on the new and final name of the first book. The name sits well with me, and more importantly, it feels like I've found the title that was there all along.

So, without further ado, I am pleased to present to you the reworked cover of "The Devil from the River".

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